I mentioned this book a few weeks ago. As promised here is my quick take on the book. "French Classics Made Easy" is the title.
Loved it.
From the idea for the Poached Chicken and Tarragon I blogged a couple of weeks ago to actual recipes such as the 10 minute souffle that I intend to make it was a very useful book. I even learned a few new bits of trivia from this book. Things such as Potatoes Dauphinoise is named after the Dauphine region of France (think their Alps) where it originated.
It is very well written in simple easy to follow numerated steps. Each recipe has notes on variations or unusual ingredients or why a step was taken. Too easy to not screw it up which makes his simplified, lower in calorie recipes so much easier to do than the originals.
Although I can't reprint recipes from the book direct, if I get an inspiration for a flavor profile or a new technique I'll certainly point you back to this book. I'm funny that way...I get robbed enough of copyrighted material I certainly won't do it to someone else...so buy the book already.
The book also has a useful chart for converting metric to our English measurements. Included on that chart page is conversion from F to C to "gas mark" that the brits use. He even implores you to take the time and actually just buy a scale to help you with more accurate measurements for the "science of baking".
This book is well worth the $20 I paid for it at Surfas. I wish they had the book available for purchase online, but they don't so use it as an excuse to pop in on them at their store in Culver City. Their street addy is: 8777 Washington Boulevard, Culver City, CA
Bagel, Cream Cheese, Onion & Tomato
4 days ago